Research projects

PROPICTO - PRojection du langage Oral vers des unités PICTOgraphiques

My Ph.D. is part of the PROPICTO project, which aims to develop Speech-to-Pictograms translation systems that convert French speech input into pictogram sequences, thereby enhancing communication accessibility for non-French speakers (allophones) or individuals with language impairments. A full description of the project can be found here.

CREAM - documentation de langues CREoles Assistée par la Machine

I participated in the CREAM project, which aims to propose innovative methods for language documentation and resource creation (such as machine learning methods and query-by-example), focusing on Creole languages. My work, titled "Automatic Speech Recognition and Query By Example for Creole Languages Documentation", was published at ACL 2022. A full description of the project can be found here.


2022 Eighth Frederick Jelinek Memorial Summer Workshop (JSALT) - Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA)

I participated in the JSALT workshop and was part of the team "Multilingual Speech-to-Speech Translation for Under-Resourced Languages" through the ESPERANTO consortium (Exchanges for SPEech ReseArch aNd TechnOlogies, Horizon 2020). Over the course of six weeks, I had the opportunity to participate in an influential workshop on speech and language engineering, collaborating with international researchers. My focus was on Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) for low-resource machine translation.

April - June 2024 BUT student Enzo Vigne
March - Sept. 2023 Master's student Chloé Dion

Scientific presentation
March 2024 I gave a talk on my work at the Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Université du Mans (LIUM) seminar on "Automatic Speech-to-Pictogram Translation to Facilitate Communication for People with Language Impairments".
June 2023 I presented my Ph.D. at the "Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole" group seminars. The talk is available on YouTube.
May 2022 I presented my Ph.D. subject at the Pint of Science Festival 2022: "From Speech to Pictograms".
Pint of Science is an international science festival aimed at bringing science outside the laboratory walls, in cafés or bars, engaging a non-expert audience.